Drage koleginice i kolege, malo podsećanje da se ovogodišnji Sabor približava, i da Vaše predloge za dodelu Društvenog priznanja „Ljubomir Ljuba Stojić“ za doprinos u radu DPS, očekujemo do 30.4.2009. godine. Ana Najman, predsednik Komisije



Posle duže pauze Podružnica Društva psihologa Srbije za Zapadno Bački okrug je imala sastanak. Sastanak je održan 25. marta u Domu učenika srednjih škola u Somboru. Kao što je bilo i planirano dnevnim redom, na sastanku je izabran i novi predsednik Podružnice, psiholog Izabela Rašković.



Povodom objavljivanja knjige „Rečnik Jungovih pojmova i simbola“, održana je tribina pod nazivom JUNG I SAVREMENA KULTURA 31.03.2009. godine u domu kulture „Vuk Karadžić“. Učestvovali su Ratko Božović, Zorica Stablović-Bulajić i autor Žarko Trebješanin.

The Center for Applied Psychology

Serbian Psychological Society founded The Center for Applied Psychology in 1992 as an independent company for research and development services, printing-publishing field and commercial projects. The Center is engaged in: publishing (textbooks, reference books and other psychological literature); constructing and standardizing tests and other psychological instruments, as well as publishing accompanying literature; organizing continuing education and advanced…


Scientific professional meeting

Serbian 60th Annual Conference of the Serbian Psychological Association „Measurement and Assessment in Psychology“Belgrade, May 30th – June 2nd, 2012 INVITED KEYNOTE SPEAKERSGUIDELINES FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONSUBMISSION FORM Dear colleagues, This year, 60th Annual Conference of the Psychologist of Serbia will take place from May 30th to June 2nd 2012 in Belgrade, Serbia. The main topic…

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Psychology newsletter

The Association’s bulletin „PSYCHOLOGY NEWSLETTER“ has been published monthly, except for July and August, since 1977. It is concerned with trade and professional issues of the psychologists’ work: it presents reviews of professional and scientific meetings in our country and abroad, critical comments on some psychological problems, considerations of possibilities to advance the work of…

Sections and local units

Serbian Psychological Society functions through sections and local units. Sections include members from certain fields and specialties, while local units (there are 15 of them) assemble psychologists who live and work on certain territory of Serbia. Some of these sections are: industrial psychology section section of elementary school psychologists section of secondary school psychologists section of…


The members of the Association can be Regular, Associate, Titular members or Donor-members. Regular members are graduate Psychologists who live and/or work on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The Associate members of the Association can be Psychologists from other countries who can, by their professional work, contribute to the work of the Association,…

Goals and tasks

  to organize and encourage the Psychologists of Serbia to contribute by their knowledge to the entire development of the Republic and to their social reputation and status;   to duly provide scientific and professional, as well as other information to their members, of significance for their profession and advanced training of the members;  …

Ethical code

All Association members, regardless of their branch and type of their field, adhere to the principle of psychologists’ Ethical Codex in their professional behaviour. *** Ethical code of psychologist of Serbia has been adopted in Belgrade, April 20th 2000  at the meeting of the Assembly of Serbian Psychological Society (DPS in further text). The Code of Ethics…