Editorial policy

Reviewing procedure Peer reviewers Psihologija uses double-blind review system for all papers. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two reviewers. The reviewers act independently and they are not aware of each other’s identities. The reviewers are selected solely according to whether they have the relevant expertise for evaluating a manuscript. They must not be…

9th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy

Dear colleagues, The important dates for submitting your abstracts and benefit from the early registration fees for the 9th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy (http://www.iccp2017.org) are getting close. The Congress is organized by the International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy (http://www.the-iacp.org/), the Romanian Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies (http://www.psihoterapiecbt.ro/), and will take place in Cluj-Napoca,…

Korištenje plesa u terapijske svrhe

Korištenje plesa u terapijske svrhe staro je koliko i sam ples. U suvremenom zapadnom društvu pokret i ples zaživio je u terapeutskoj primjeni 40-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, a korijeni terapije pokretom i plesom su u modernom plesu već s početka 20.st. Terapijska primjena pokreta i plesa nastala je pod utjecajem intelektualne i društvene klime toga…

Poštovane koleginice i kolege

Sastanak Republičke sekcije stručnih saradnika – psihologa srednjih škola održaće se u utorak, 8. novembra  2016. godine,  u 12 časova u prostorijama Prve ekonomske škole u Beogradu, ulica Cetinjska, br. 5-7…

69th Congress of Psychologists of Serbia

Dear colleagues, Our work on the preparations for the 69th Congress of Psychologists of Serbia, which will be held between 29. September and 01. October, online, continues. This event, the largest and most important annual gathering of psychologists, is not organized for the first time in extraordinary circumstances; it also took place when it was…

Izveštaj sa sastanka sekcije predškolskih psihologa

Redovni sastanak Republičke sekcije predškolskih psihologa održan je 28. 10. 2016. u Domu učenika „Jelica Milovanović“. Na ovaj sastanak pozvani su kolegenice i kolege psiholozi koji su uključeni i zainteresovani za psihologiju dece predškolskog uzrasta bez obzira da li su članovi Društva psihologa Srbije i Predškolske sekcije ili nisu.