Serbian Psychological Society founded The Center for Applied Psychology in 1992 as an independent company for research and development services, printing-publishing field and commercial projects.
The Center is engaged in:
- publishing (textbooks, reference books and other psychological literature);
- constructing and standardizing tests and other psychological instruments, as well as publishing accompanying literature;
- organizing continuing education and advanced training of psychologists;
- organizing research activities;
- procuring and distribution of scientific and professional information;
- offering different services in the field of psychology to the users of these services and
- other activities which are of interest for psychologists and public.
The Center for Applied Psychology is the only recognized and authorized publisher and distributor of psychological tests and other psychological measuring instruments used in our country. It is open for all new ideas and ready for all challenges of science and market. It is a place around which psychologists gather to give the society the knowledge and assistance which psychology as an applied science is able to provide.
In order for the Center to be able to fulfil its professional and social function in the transitory times, its primary goals and tasks are to provide co-operation with Europian and world authors and publishers of psycho-diagnostic measuring instruments and professional publications, as well as with related organizations.
We use this occasion to invite all our colleages to co-operate in various fields in which Serbian Psychological Society and the Center for Applied Psychology are engaged.