Symposium ‘Lessons learned from the European Countries’

On the 15th of October 2021 the Standing Committee on Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations EFPA will organize the Symposium ‘ Lessons learned from the European Countries’. The Symposium is organized in collaboration with the Serbian Psychological Association and the University of Belgrade, who will host this online Symposium…

TRENING LJUBAVI! Ljubav kao TriP – Privlačnost, Požuda i Privrženost Primena integrativnog modela ljubavi – 22. i 23.oktobar 2021. godine

Centar za primenjenu psihologiju organizuje dvodnevni seminar primene integrativnog modela ljubavi –  Ljubav kao TriP, autora i predavača Tatjane Stefanović Stanojević, 22. i 23. oktobra 2021. godine Seminar će biti održan online putem ZOOM aplikacije. Rok za prijavu je 12. oktobar 2021. godine.