Dear colleagues,
We are informed that someone registered a fake website impersonating Psihologija, and is sending emails to people worldwide pretending to be the editor-in-chief of Psihologija prof. dr Vladimir Hedrih, inviting them to send papers to the fake journal. Note that the fake website lists the ISSN number of Psihologija, has parts of our archives and has copied large parts of our website contents.
We are taking legal steps to take down the fake website, but until it is taken down please be aware of this, and note that:
– the only official webpage of Psihologija is the one on the website of the Serbian Psychological Association –, which can also be accessed through our domain . The website without the .rs designation does not belong to us. We also have archives of past issues on DOI Serbia and SCindeks and these are reshared by multiple other websites, as they are published under the creative commons licence, but all of these sites clearly link to our main webpage on the website of the Serbian Psychological Association.
– Psihologija will not ask you to pay for publication! Psihologija does not charge authors for publishing papers, and there are no costs for authors associated with publication whatsoever. We are financed by the Serbian Psychological Association and public funds from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Developmen of Serbia, so our services are free for authors in spite of the journal being open access.
– Psihologija is published quarterly, publishes papers only in psychology and related fields, and papers go through a thorough multi-step review process.
– Psihologija uses a thourough multi-step review process, and hence we do not and can not make any guarantees or claims about the speed of the review process. Any emails and online sources promising fast review for Psihologija are fake.
– Papers are submitted to Psihologija via the Asistant online submission system, and not sent to us via email.
In case you receive any suspicious email that states that it was sent from Psihologija, please forward it to us.
All the best and stay safe,
Editorial Board of Psihologija