Drage koleginice i kolege,
Dani primenjene psihologije je tradicionalna godišnja neprofitna naučna konferencija koju organizuje Departman za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu, Srbija. Cilj konferencije je da bude mesto gde se istraživači iz različitih oblasti psihologije mogu sresti, predstaviti svoja istraživanja i razmenjivati ideje.
XV konferencija Dani primenjene psihologije, biće održana 27. i 28. septembra 2019. godine, na Filozofskom fakultetu u Nišu (Ćirila i Metodija 2, Niš, Srbija).
Zvanična tema ovogodišnje konferencije je Psihološka istraživanja i praksa. Oblici rada na konferenciji su: plenarno predavanje, simpozijum, usmena prezentacija, prezentacija u stručnoj sesiji, okrugli sto, poster prezentacija, seminar i radionica.
Radni jezici konferencije su engleski i srpski.
Prijava rezimea se može izvršiti u periodu do 31. maja 2019. godine preko obrasca za prijavu na sajtu http://psihologijanis.rs/dpp/prijava.asp. Obim rezimea treba da bude od 200 do 300 reči. Apstrakt treba da bude napisan na dobrom engleskom jeziku. Prijave radova za stručne sekcije mogu se podneti i na srpskom. Svi rezimei će biti recenzirani i autori će biti informisani o statusu prijavljenog rada do 15. juna 2019. godine. Jedan autor može da učestvuje na konferenciji sa najviše tri rada, a samo na jednom može biti prvi autor.
Prihvaćeni rezimei će biti objavljeni u knjizi rezimea. Integralni tekstovi saopštenih radova biće, nakon recenziranja, objavljeni u tematskim zbornicima. Kompletni radovi se dostavljaju počev od 1. oktobra do 31. decembra 2019. godine. Uputstvo za pripremu rada u celini nalazi se na sajtu http://www.psihologijanis.rs/dpp/instrukcije.html.
Iznos kotizacije je 50,00 evra ili 6000,00 RSD. Kotizacija se plaća po prijavljenom radu, i to na ime prvog autora. Instrukcije za uplatu kotizacije nalaze se na sajtu http://psihologijanis.rs/dpp/kotizacija.html.
Nadamo se da će konferencija i ove godine okupiti veliki broj učesnika koji će svojim učešćem doprineti uspehu skupa.
Očekujući vas u Nišu, šaljemo vam srdačne pozdrave.
Predsednik Programskog odbora
Doc. dr Kristina Ranđelović
Predsednik Organizacionog odbora
Prof. dr Vladimir Hedrih
Dear colleagues,
Days of Applied Psychology is a traditional annual nonprofit international scientific and professional conference organized by the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, Serbia. The goal of the conference is to provide a spot where researchers in various areas of psychology can meet, present their research and exchange ideas.
The 15th Conference Days of Applied Psychology will take place on September 27th and 28th 2019, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš (Ćirila i Metodija 2, Niš, Serbia).
The official topic of the Conference this year is Psychological research and practice. The planned forms of participation are: plenary lecture, symposium, oral presentation, professional session presentation, round table discussion, poster presentation, seminar and workshop.
Working languages of the conference are English and Serbian.
Abstracts should be submitted by 31st of May 2019. through the conference website http://psihologijanis.rs/dpp/prijava.asp. Abstracts should be at least 200 words long but not longer than 300 words. Abstracts should be written in good English. Submissions for professional sessions can be written in either English or Serbian. All abstracts will undergo a review process and authors will be informed on the status of their submission by June 15th. One author may participate at the Conference with up to three papers, but only once as the first author.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the electronic conference abstract book. After the conference, full text versions of presented papers will be published in Proceedings book, after the reviewing process. These should be submitted between October 1st and December 31st 2019. Full text papers should be written in English. Professional papers may be written in either English or Serbian. Instructions for authors of full text papers will be posted on the conference website http://www.psihologijanis.rs/dpp/uputstva.asp.
Registration fee is 50,00 EUR or 6000,00 RSD and is charged per paper, on the name of the first author. Payment instructions can be found on http://psihologijanis.rs/dpp/kotizacija.asp.
We hope that the Conference will gather numerous participants and that your participation will contribute to its success.
Hoping to see you in Niš, we send you our best regards.
Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Doc. dr Kristina Ranđelović
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
Prof. dr Vladimir Hedrih