Paper submission
Submission of papers for the 65th scientific conference of psychologists in progress. We expect your application, and this instruction we want to help you with the application process work and ensure that your application is in accordance with accepted standards.
As before, the work of the Congress will take place in different forms. For each of the forms foreseen we stated brief explanations, instructions and a link to the application. Please follow the instructions.
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– Program announcement CONGRESS FROM 10 TO 15 MAY 2017.
The deadline for entries is 1 April 2017. After registering, participants will receive a notification that their application is registered. Papers that arrive after the deadline will not be considered.
The recommendation is to not wait for the deadline because the review this year to monitor the dynamics of the application papers. Reviewed all the papers, and reviewers in the field marked by the author. The work should be changed in accordance with the suggestions of reviewers within ten days and re-submit.
Authors will be notified if their papers do not need changes. All communication will be conducted by the first author whose email address listed in the application work.
Please respect the deadlines foreseen to work on time were reviewed and it would be enough time for possible corrections.
Book of abstracts will be published in electronic form and it will be accepted papers of authors who have registered for participation in the meeting.
Congress rooms in which will be held Congress are equipped with computers and projectors. If there are additional technical requirements, please indicate this on the form for application.
The symposium deals with scientifically relevant topic from a field of psychology that compiles leader of symposium, a part of many authors with their works. The authors present the works, followed by a debate. Head to the end of the symposium provides a closing mark. The symposium takes a maximum of 90 minutes, the time for individual presentations is 10 minutes, and 4 to 7 participating exhibitors.
Application for the symposium:
– Leader of the symposium formulated the theme and invites authors to present ther works. Authors submit their resumes in accordance with the instruction announcement and they delivered them to leader.
– In the report, alleged leader of the theme of the symposium and a short explanation of the topic (between 1,500 and 2,500 characters).
– Leader in the same form, report and all individual participants announcements.
– Leader of the symposium can apply at least 4 and a maximum of 7 participants.
– Communication around the review will be conducted with the leader of the symposium.
Round table
The round table is a scientific expert panel on one topic with leaders and more participants. Each of the participants is their vision problems or illuminates one aspect. Discussion with audience participation, can be kept after the discussion of all the participants, but also after the individual announcements.
The maximum duration of the round table was 90 minutes.
Application for the round table:
– The leader of the round table to formulate the topic of the round table, call and organize participants.
– In the report, leader writes the theme of the round table, explanation of the topic (between 1,500 and 2,500 characters) and the names of the participants, which can be between 4 i 8.
– Of course, it is possible that there is a change in the list of participants in the realization of the round table.
Meeting of the section DPS
Sections that are organized within the DPS during the Congress can organize their meetings.
We believe that Congress is a good opportunity for these meetings because it saves time that is otherwise required to establish a suitable meeting time and that participants arrive.
Application for the section DPS:
– It is necessary that the president of the section (or any of the members) write the name of the section to indicate the expected number of participants.
– It would be helpful, but not required, and to indicate the proposed agenda of the meeting, so that the participants were acquainted with him in advance.
Sections within the topics of the meeting can be organized presentation of the results of scientific research, the practical work, as well as a discussion of relevant issues that become important for the area that the section dealing with.
In the report of the meeting should submit a summary of work that would be reviewed and incorporated into the work of the section, and published in a book summary, indicating the categories of work (research, professional work or participate in the discussion).
Scientific paper
Scientific paper are the individual works of the author. The authors define the theme and the theme of the area where it belongs.
It is anticipated that exposure work lasts for 10 minutes, and the questions and discussion followed by 5 minutes.
The author may submit a maximum of three scientific papers, and may be the first author to a maximum of two.
Scientific papers may be in a form of:
– Fundamental and applied research
– Theoretical works
– Professional work
– Student works
In the report it is important to clearly indicate the category of communications (research, theoretical work, professional work, student work).
Application for the scientific papers:
– It is necessary that the authors of the application form to submit a title, a summary of the work (between 1,500 and 2,500 characters) and keywords (between 3 and 5). It is recommended that at the end of the summary of research indicating the reference and psychological instruments that has been applied in data collection.
– If you submit an empirical work, the summary should contain the most important information about the object and purpose of the research, description of the methodology, a brief overview of the most important results and the main conclusions.
Theoretical papers should include a description of the problems and goals of basic items, conclusions and implications for research and practice.
Summary of professional work should have the following structure: the aim of the work, practical activities, the results of the (application) of psychological interventions, recommendations for improvement.
Student works may be representations of the research carried out during the study and / or participation in a scientific project and will be shown in the Student session.
Summary should not contain references, tables and graphs.
The program committee will group the individual works into thematic sections (indicated in the program of the Congress as well as thematic sessions). Student work will be displayed in one or more student sessions that will be defined by the program committee.
Poster is a graphical presentation of thematically coherent scientific and professional work. Poster size should be 90 x 120 cm. The elements of your poster (pictures, tables, graphs, drawings, photographs) should be clearly legible from a distance of 1.5 m. Posters will be displayed in the congress area.
Authors have a duty to be next to a poster at the time provided for the program to discuss and respond to the issues concerned. Poster is classified as a statement on the national conference (category M64, 0.5 points).
The best poster will be awarded.
Application for the poster:
– It is necessary that the authors of the application form to submit a title, summary (between 1500 and 2500 characters), the category of work and key words (between 3 and 5).
– Structure of the summary of the posters is the same as for (oral) statements.
– Abstract should not contain references, tables and graphs.
Workshop and seminar
The workshop is a practical form of work in which all participants directly involved, and leaders directed work.
Seminar presents lectures and exercises on selected scientific and professional theme, application of psychological instruments, software and the like. Number of participants in workshops and seminars is limited and can last up to 3 hours.
Application for the workshop and seminar:
– It is necessary that the leaders of workshops or seminars in the application form to submit work:
– The name of the workshop or seminar,
– A description of the content (between 1,000 and 1,500 characters)
– the goal,
– The minimum and maximum number of participants,
– Anticipated duration and
– Whether the workshop and / or seminar licensed (whether it is charged and price); for seminars that are licensed and paying special day will be determined (most likely to Saturday 27. 05. 2017).
If you have any questions or problems with the application work, please contact us at:
See you in Zlatibor!