Abstract submission for 63rd Annual Conference of the Serbian Psychological Association is open. We are expecting your application, and we hope that this instruction will facilitate submission process and ensure that your application is in line with the standards.
As before, different forms of papers will be present at the Conference. Short explanation is provided for every anticipated form, as well as the link for submission. Please follow the instructions and use Calibri font, 12p.
Abstract submission deadline is March 20th 2015. After submitting the abstract, authors will receive confirmation that their submission has been noted. Submissions received after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
Abstracts will be reviewed and this year the reviews will follow the abstract submission dynamics. All abstracts will be forwarded to peer-reviewers who will be from the field authors have selected. Abstract should be changed in reference to reviewer’s suggestion in two-week time and then sent again. Authors will be informed if their abstracts do not need any alterations. All communication will be completed with the first authors whose email addresses should be specified in the abstract submission. Please keep in mind the deadlines in order to ensure enough time for the reviews and potential adjustments.
Book of abstracts will be published in electronic format and it will contain accepted abstracts of those authors who have registered (paid the conference fee) for the conference.
Conference rooms have computers and LCD. If you have any further technical requests, please state them in the abstract submission form.
- Symposium
Symposium deals with scientifically relevant psychological topic, that is given by the symposium moderator and several authors participate with their papers. Authors present their work which is followed by a discussion. At the end of the symposium, the moderator gives a conclusion. Symposium takes maximally 90 minutes; time for individual presentation is 10 minutes, and there can be 4 to 7 presenters.
Submitting a symposium:
– Symposium moderator formulates a topic and invites authors that will present their work. Participants provide the moderator with their abstracts that are formulated by instructions for oral presentation.
– In the submission form, moderator states symposium topic and provides short explanation (between 1000 and 1500 characters).
– Moderator, in the same form, submits all individual presentations of the participants.
– Moderator can apply from 4 to 7 participants.
– Communication concerning reviews will be done with the symposium moderator.
- Round table
Round table is scientific-professional discussion about a topic with the moderator and several participants. Every participant gives their view of the problem or talks about one of its aspects. Discussion, with audience participation, can be held after the discussion of all participants, as well as after individual presentations. Maximal duration of the round table is 90 minutes.
Submitting a round table:
– Moderator formulates a topic of the round table, invites and organizes participants.
– In the submission form, moderator states round table theme, provides short explanation (between 1500 and 2500 characters) and provides names of the participants. There can be between 4 and 8 participants.
– Of course, there can be certain changes in the list of the participants in the realization of the round table.
- Oral Presentation
Oral presentations refer to individual work. Authors define the topic and field. Oral presentations are supposed to take up to 10 minutes, and following questions and discussion 5 minutes. Each author can submit up to three oral presentations being credited as the first author only for two of them.
Submitting oral presentation
– Authors should fill in title, abstract (between 1500 and 2500 characters) and key words (between 3 and 5) boxes in oral presentation submission form.
– If it is empirical paper, abstract should contain the most important information about research problem and goal, method, main results and general conclusions. Theoretical papers, as well as review of innovations and experiences in professional practice should contain description of paper problems and goals, main assumptions, conclusions and practice implications.
– Abstracts should not contain references, tables and graphs.
- Poster
Poster is graphical presentation of thematically coherent, scientific or professional content. Poster dimensions should be 90 x 120 cm. Poster elements (pictures, tables, graphs, drawings, photographs) should be easy to read from distance of 1,5 m. The posters will be exhibited in the congress area.
Authors have the obligation to stand next to poster during the time that will be specified in the program, so that they can answer questions of the visitors. Poster will be classified as oral presentation at the nationally significant meeting (category M64, 0,5 points).
Best poster will be rewarded.
Submitting poster
– Authors should fill in title, abstract (between 1500 and 2500 characters) and key words (between 3 and 5) boxes in poster submission form.
– If it is empirical paper, abstract should contain the most important information about research problem and goal, method, main results and general conclusions. Theoretical papers, as well as review of innovations and experiences in professional practice should contain description of paper problems and goals, main assumptions, conclusions and practice implications.
– Abstracts should not contain references, tables and graphs.
Workshop is practical form of work in which all present participate, and moderators guide activities. Seminar includes lecture and practice concerning certain scientific and professional subject, psychological instrument application, software etc. The number of participants is limited and the workshop or seminar can take at most 3 hours.
Submitting the workshop/seminar
– Workshop/Seminar moderators should fill in workshop/seminar title, description (between 1500 and 2500 characters), goal, minimal and maximum number of participants and expected duration boxes in the workshop/seminar submission form.
If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to .
See you at Zlatibor!